Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Gap Year or Nap Year?

A gap year is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and one to really make sure you make the most of. Whether you have just finished studying, need a break from your career or are taking a well-earned rest after years of work, you never know when the next opportunity for a gap year will come along. So, here are a couple of ways to ensure that your gap year doesn’t turn into something you can only remember as a nap year.
Get Snap Happy
Whilst on your gap year, the chances are that you will take part in activities and adventures that will stick in your mind for years and years to come. As such, it’s crucial to make sure that you document as much of it as possible; and what better way to do this than with a camera? Whether you take photos of objects, landscapes, animals, or even the people who are on your gap year with you, these pictures will not only help you to show everybody back home what a fantastic time you had; but in years to come when the memories start to fade, they will help you to piece together the most fantastic parts of your trip. So make sure you have plenty of batteries for your camera before you go, take as many photos as you can, and most importantly, when you get back make a note of what each photo represents, just in case you should forget as time goes by.
Write it Down
The chances are that back home, you either do not have the time or the inclination to keep a diary or you’re worried that a sibling or partner might find and read it. However, whilst you are on your gap year, you have the perfect opportunity to start writing things down. Whether it’s a brief note of what you have done on each day of your trip, or a full and detailed description of each activity and your experience of it, is not important. It is simply important to keep a written note of what you are doing while you are away. This will not only make it easier to annotate your photo albums at a later date, but it will make for great reading when you find it in an old box in the loft years down the line. You never know, your diary might even become the beginnings of a career in travel writing.
Keep the Contacts
A gap year is often more than just a chance to explore the world; it can also be a time during which you will build up some firm and steadfast friendships. The experiences and adventures you enjoy are likely to be of great significance and therefore it stands to reason that those sharing them with you will also come to be of great significance to you. With things such as email and Facebook at your fingertips, it has never been so easy to keep in touch with the people you meet on your gap year. However, there’s nothing as annoying as going to get in touch with someone and realising that you can’t remember their second name. Before you part ways at the end of your trip, be sure to write down all the important information; birthdays, full names, email addresses and perhaps even home addresses. That way, you will never have a reason to lose touch with those people who have shared your gap year experiences and adventures with you. Not to mention, when the time comes for a reunion, you will have everything you need to send out the invites!
So, do you want to remember your year out as a gap year or a nap year? Though you will only live the experience once, you can relive it time and time again if you make sure you document everything during your trip.

Published At: Isnare.com

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