Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

5 ‘Must See’ Historical Tourist Sites in Italy

For those who make the decision to visit Italy, it is more often than not to experience the culture, art and history so well associated with the country. When it comes to visiting Italy, it is simply not possible to only be astounded by one site due to the rich level of culture that can be found at every corner. Thanks to many of the historical programs on television, the internet and books, many of us are now more educated on the many gems which can be found in Italy; however, when it comes to seeing all that Italy has to offer, one trip may not be enough. Here are 5 of the very best historical sites you must visit on your next trip to Italy.
Florence is one of the most beautiful and historically important cities in Italy and one of the most important sites to visit is the Basilica di San Miniato al Monte. The beautifully designed church which was constructed around 1013 was so named after St Miniato, an Armenian Prince who was beheaded for being a Christian. There are many who believe the legend that after being thrown to the beats in the Amphitheatre, a panther refused to eat him.
Due to this, St Miniato was beheaded by the emperor and legend has it, he carried his own head up the hill of Mount Fiorentinus to his hermitage which later become the site in which the church was built on. Regardless of whether you believe this story or not, one thing which you cannot deny is the sheer beauty which comes from the building itself, and the history in which it holds. It is not only deemed as one of the most beautiful churches within Italy, but also one of the most peaceful and tranquil sites in the whole of Italy.
One of the largest cathedrals in the world, the Duomo di Milano is a truly magnificent structure of which construction was started during the 14th century. After its completion during the 19th century, the church was completed with a spire which reaches u to 349 feet and is able to seat up to 40,000 people. Many have realized the true beauty which comes from the architecture of churches and this cathedral is no exception. It is a sight which will truly amaze you with its magnificent stature.
We are all aware of the Vatican City, but thanks to certain entertainment films, the overall look of the site is something which is much more recognizable to many. It is known as the smallest independent country world, but still marks itself as a historical sight within Italy. Its small population of just 932 people allows for the huge burst of tourists which visit the site every year, all eager to catch a glimpse of the Pope within the holy city.
Although exceptionally old in age, the site is still incredibly beautiful with much of the original medieval walls in the city, to the Sistine chapel which houses one of the most famous paintings in the world, to the many historical museums which are situated within the city. This is something which should be viewed by all-no matter how unreligious you may feel you are just so you can experience this beautifully historical site.
Throughout the past few centuries, there has been a huge advance into archaeology which has enabled us to discover new and exciting sites throughout the world. Over the past two centuries, the ruins of Pompeii have been investigated which has revealed a brilliantly preserved city which was originally lost to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. Due to the length of time in which the city has been kept under wraps for, it can be somewhat haunting to explore the ruins, but is also something which many will find exceedingly interesting and impressive. Something which you simply cannot even imagine in your wildest dreams without seeing it for real, however due to its size many feel that you simply cannot see the entirety of the ruins in just one day.
Finally, there is the infamous Coliseum located in Rome. The coliseum has become one of the most iconic sites within Italy thanks to its ancient history and beautiful architecture. Standing at around 165 feet tall and 600 feet long, this magnificent building held up to 50,000 people during its glory days that were eager to watch a traditional fight, which would be overseen by the emperors of the time. This is somewhere that all history fanatics must visit whilst in Italy in order to learn more about the history behind the country’s architecture and culture. When standing in the middle of the coliseum, it is hard to not feel in awe of its greatness and the history in which it holds.
Of course, there are many other historic sites within Italy that hold just as much beauty and culture as the ones mentioned. For those who are truly fanatical about their history and the culture of Italy, these will not be hard to find yourself but for those who are somewhat unsure of what is deemed as a great historical site, one look at these magnificent sites and you will be thirsty to learn more.

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